The goal of this site is to make people feel prepared and excited about having a baby.
Pregnancy and preparing for parenthood can feel overwhelming and scary so we try to demystify the medical jargon, baby gear, and those weird things you're too scared to mention because you think it's only happening to you (don't worry, it's not).
Doctors, midwives, lactation consultants, labor and delivery nurses, are incredible resources (many have written for Pregnant Chicken) but they can often be so steeped in the world of birth and babies that they forget how foreign it can be for someone just starting out.
Consider us your pregnancy sherpas that can guide you through the steep learning curve of bringing a person into the world. It's definitely a goat rodeo, but it's also a great ride!
Some good places to start:

My name is Amy Morrison and I’m the broad behind the burd.
If you want to read more about me, you can find it here.
When I started this site back in 2010 it was just me – haggard and stumbling out of the newborn trenches with a fist shake, “I will help pregnant people and new parents navigate this, dammit!!”
It didn’t take me long to realize that it takes a village to make this shit happen. Well, I should say that it takes a village to make this shit happen on a consistent basis and with any kind of quality. So over time, I’ve asked some pretty amazing people to help out.
Here's the Herd from the Burd

Kelly Edmonds
If you haven’t heard me talk about my little Kell Bell yet then you may not know how lost I’d be without her. Anything that is on time or organized on this site is because of her. She arranges all the giveaways, sponsorships, and my conference schedules because she is the yin to my inefficient-ferret-on-crack yang. She doesn’t get annoyed when I sing, “I don’t think you’re ready for this Kelly” to the tune of Bootylicious or when I take three days to reply to an urgent email. I get drunk with her Aunt Dolly and cry when I talk about her because I love her so much. She has pictures of me doing a keg stand so I can never fire her. If you need to get in touch with Kelly, you can find her at kelly@pregnantchickens.com.
Emily Ramirez

When I figured out that I needed someone to help me with our social media channels, I knew just the person to ask – Emily. She’d written a number of guest posts for the site and I knew that she shared my sense of (twisted) humor. She is a tweeting queen and a Facebook fantasy. I often see an article or meme on Facebook and think, “damn, that is FUNNY I need to like that” only to realize that it’s a Pregnant Chicken post so I’d be liking my own page. Instead, I just pat myself on the back for appearing clever to everyone else.
Emily lives with her husband and two adorable children in Seattle. If you want to check out more of her brilliance, you can find her at Hold Me, Don’t Hold Me.
Deanna Sonni

Deanna is the genius behind all the tech stuff here at the Burd. When I first started the site I just designed the site around my ability – can’t make a sidebar there, no problem, I’ll just move it over here. Now I can email Deanna with stuff like, “Deanna, something is going fucky with the images can you fix that?” or “Deanna, I want to have that little thingy that makes the page jump back to the top. Can you do that?” or “Deanna, Google Ads is going to ban me because they don’t like Porn for Pregnant Ladies. Can you fix that?”
She’s a magic web wizard with a keen eye for design and I’d be lost without her. Get in touch with Deanna by visiting her site Sonni Web.