Little girl reading the wonderful things you will be to her baby brother
Photography Siblings New Baby

30+ New Baby and Sibling Photo Ideas for Your Newborn Photoshoot

By Carly Viger

Seeing your big kid welcome their new baby sibling into the world is just about one of the sweetest things you can witness as a parent. Capturing those special moments in a photo not only preserves each memory for the future, but also gives you photographic evidence when your kids are screaming at each other for leaving pee on the toilet seat that there was, indeed, a time when they loved each other unconditionally.

Whatever your motivation may be for your upcoming photo session, here are some great ways to capture the love between your newborn and their siblings.

Big Brother at hospital touching finger of newborn baby
Natalie Thomas Photography

1. Nice To Meet You

Although bringing a new baby into the world is a momentous occasion, the fine details will likely become a total blur thanks to the post-birth cocktail of exhaustion, adrenaline and hormones pumping through your body.

If you’re allowing visitors, make sure to get someone to snap a few photos of your big kid meeting their new sibling for the first time, or check out local photographers offering “Fresh 48” sessions if you’d like to get a pro to do the honors.

Also check out a collection of Fresh 48 ideas.

Big Brother at hospital looking at newborn baby sibling

2. Mr. Big Stuff

Nothing will turn your toddler into a giant faster than the first time you see them next to their newborn sibling. Try to snag a mix of posed and candid shots of your older siblings saying their first hellos to their new baby brother or sister.

Toddler big sister holding crying newborn baby sister sitting on hospital bed
Lucky Andi

3. Moments With Mom

Although taking a 15-hour nap is probably the thing you’d like to do most after giving birth, get someone to take a few photos of you and your kiddos together for the first time, if you’re feeling up to it. Regardless of how sweaty and fatigued you think you look, you’ll be glad to have the memories to look back on down the road.

Older boy and girl siblings meeting newborn baby at hospital

4. First Impressions

It’s a toss up whether the first time your big kids see their newborn family member will be a sweet moment or a wrestling match, but it’s good to have the camera ready either way. If you’ve planned out the perfect outfits for those first sibling shots, pack them in advance so that whoever’s in charge of bringing your kids to the hospital for their big meet and greet can help make the magic happen.

Toddler big brother leaning over newborn baby fresh 48 hospital photo

5. Love At First Glance

You only get one chance to immortalize your firstborn’s first look at their new best friend, so make sure you’ve got a good angle and your camera set to burst mode to capture it.

Girls holding new baby sister wearing floral bows
Aubrey Jones Photography

6. Welcome Home

Many parents like to arrange to have family photos taken during their newborn’s first few days at home. Newborn photographers typically offer in-home lifestyle sessions, if you are looking to hire someone, but you can definitely take matters into your own hands if you’d prefer to do it yourself.

Big brother sitting in nursery chair holding new baby sibling

7. A Picture Perfect Nursery

There’s a pretty good chance that your baby’s immaculately-styled nursery will never look the same once life with a newborn kicks into full gear. What better excuse to capture its magazine-worthy condition than a sibling photo session?

Big brother and newborn baby sister posing on bed
The Big and Bright

8. Tummy Time

The trick to getting the perfect sibling photo is shooting from a variety of angles. Try a mix of overhead shots and front of the camera poses to get one where everyone’s cuteness can be captured.

Toddler big sister holding newborn baby sibling at home on bed
Christine Marie Photography

9. Candid Moments

The struggle of trying to get your toddler to safely hold your baby in their lap while smiling for the camera is likely to be very, very real. Mix in some candid shots to increase your odds of snapping the perfect picture.

Smiling big brother with parents holding newborn twins in front of him

10. Lend a Hand

If your big kid is outnumbered by their younger siblings, there’s no shame in giving them a hand to make sure everybody stays in frame for their photoshoot.

Toddler big brother looking over crib at new baby sister
Sami Renee Photography

11. Sneak Peek

I’m an absolute sucker for those videos of big brothers and sisters tenderly peeking into their baby sibling’s crib (and inevitably, trying to help them escape). Since baby monitors are no match for an actual photographer, let your big kid tiptoe into the baby’s room mid-nap and get your camera ready to capture the cuteness.

Toddler big brother standing on stool to look at new baby in crib
Ashley Dunaway

12. Give a Leg Up

Getting a look into the baby’s crib is no easy job when you’re only 3 feet tall. Give your toddler a bird’s-eye view with a stool, and watch them grin from ear to ear when they catch a glimpse of their newborn sib.

A Note About Bumpers & Stuff in Cribs
It is recommended that you keep your baby's crib free of bumpers, pillows, stuffed animals, blankets, etc. You can use them as a photo prop but get 'em out of there afterward. You can read more about setting up a safe sleeping space here.

Toddler big sister climbing side of crib to see new baby sleeping

13. Crafty Climber

There’s something to be said for a toddler’s ingenuity when they’ve got their eyes on the prize. Let them show you how it’s done when it comes to getting the best view of your baby in their crib and have your camera at the ready to capture their creativity.

Mom reaching through crib with toddler girl showing her new baby brother

14. All In The Family

If you’re not the one behind the camera, make sure to sneak yourself into a few photos on the other side of the crib. You’ll never regret having photos to look back on that you’re actually in!

Family parents and older sibling hands on newborn baby
Lily Sophia Photography

15. All Hands On Deck

Get everyone to lend a hand for this perfect photo op (sorry, I couldn’t resist). If you’re looking for a different way to have all the members of your family represented in your newborn photoshoot, this is a beautiful and special way to do it.

Older toddler sibling and newborn baby feet and toes

16. Little Details

Portraits are a staple of every newborn session, but your baby’s irresistible face isn’t the only feature worth capturing. Make sure that your photographer zooms in on all of the little details you’ll want to remember for everyone in the family, whether it’s your newborn’s teeny toes, a precious family heirloom, or even a fun piece of clothing you got just for the occasion.

Big Brother and Little Sister printed tee and body suit

17. Send A Message

Who can resist a fun coordinating sibling outfit? There are lots of places to stock up on graphic tees and onesies for your littles, like Etsy, Amazon and Walmart.

Big brother kissing new baby sister on her head
And Then She Clicked

18. Pucker Up!

The great thing about capturing kisses in your newborn photo session is that everyone is more than willing to give them out by the hundreds, so there’ll be no shortage of great shots to choose from.

Big brother kissing new baby sibling while sitting on a chair
Kandis Marino Photography

19. Steal a Smooch

Candid kisses are some of the best, so keep your camera handy for when the moment strikes. The good news is, you probably won’t have to wait long.

Older sister kissing new baby while laying on bed
Krista Horton

20. Cozy Kisses

If you’re trying to figure out the perfect pose for a kiss pic, try adding fluffy pillows or blankets for your baby to lie on while getting a smooch. Not only will the softness keep them cozy, but it’ll also add some texture to your photo.

Big brother giving new baby sibling a kiss while swaddled

21. Giving Props

Adding props like a bassinet and some greenery can give added visual interest to your already precious picture.

A note about kissing
Many viruses can easily spread through saliva, so if someone is sick and kisses a baby's face, it gives the virus the best chance to get in. Newborns are very susceptible to illnesses so be sure to weigh that when you're considering photoshoot ideas.

Toddler big sister with large book reading to newborn baby sibling

22. A Few Of My Favorite Things

It’s likely that your big kids can’t wait for the day when they can actually play with their new baby sibling; for now, a cute photo op will just have to do. Let your older kiddo pick their favorite books or toys to add as props, or snap some moments of your family playing together for some fun action shots.

Big brother playing with toy trains in a heart around newborn baby sibling

23. Car Rally

Toddlers have a knack for packing along all of their favorite toys wherever they go. Letting them make their prized possessions a part of their sibling photoshoot can be a great bargaining chip for a smile and adds a fun personal touch.

Family playing outside active big brothers dad holding newborn baby

24. Let’s Play Together

For something a little different, why not take your newborn photography session outside? Capture your family in their element as you play together in the yard, at a park, or any of your favorite outdoor spots.

Family posing at home mom with toddler big brother dad holding newborn baby sibling

25. Special Spaces

Paying for a professional photographer is one of those things that I feel is always worth the investment, if you can swing it. Most parents will probably tell you that the bulk of the photos on their camera roll are of their kids, but apart from the odd selfie, they aren’t in many themselves. Hiring somebody to bring out everybody’s best angles in photos you can swoon over for the next 20 years is definitely something you’ll be glad you splurged for.

Family posing in nursery with son newborn baby and two dogs

26. All In The Family

What’s a family photoshoot without your four-legged friends? Find a comfortable place on the floor to snuggle up together so that everyone can find their place in your photo.

Family of four posed on couch with big sister and newborn baby

27. Find The Light

When choosing the best spot for pictures in your home, take advantage of spaces with lots of natural light, like your living room.

Family of four newborn baby photoshoot toddler big brother and baby sister

28. Birds-Eye View

Overhead shots are a creative alternative to the classic head-on portrait shot, and make it way less noticeable when everyone isn’t looking into the camera at the same time.

Kid sister with newborn baby sibling posed on carpet looking at camera

30. Nap Attack

Newborn babies have a habit of sleeping all the time, but that’s not an issue when it comes to snapping a memorable photo. Have your big kid(s) lay next to them as they snooze, and take a sweet photo from above.

Family portrait of 3 older siblings with newborn baby

31. Make ‘Em Laugh

Nothing beats a classic portrait shot. When it comes to getting everyone’s attention and capturing a genuine smile, knowing your kids’ currency is key. In case you were wondering, their currency is fart jokes.

Two sisters with swaddled newborn baby sister posed on furry carpet
debby ditta photography

32. Snuggle Sessions

A furry rug makes an excellent backdrop for newborn photos. Get everyone to snuggle in, and get that camera flashing.

Big sister and newborn baby sibling in matching dress and swaddle

33. Perfectly Posed Studio Sessions

Heading to a studio comes with the added bonus of not having to scramble to clean up your house pre-photo op, which more than makes up for the cost of the photographer, in my humble opinion.

Kid brother holding newborn baby in white swaddle
debby ditta photography

34. Simplicity Is Key

When it comes to sibling photo ideas, you can never go wrong with a sweet and simple hug in front of a plain background.

Two older sisters holding new baby sibling

35. The Look Of Love

The only thing more picture perfect than a candid capture of your baby and their big sibling locking eyes is when their outfits match (and haven’t yet been destroyed by a blowout or sippy cup spill).

How Do I Get The Best Results From My Sibling Photo Shoot?

Although the first days and weeks after bringing a new baby home can be hectic and exhausting, taking the time to stage a photoshoot of your family will be something you’ll always be glad you did.

Whether you hire a newborn photographer or take the pictures yourself, choosing a few poses and styles you like ahead of time can help give your shoot some direction.

Make sure that everyone is fed to avoid any hangry outbursts, and be sure that the room is warm and comfortable to keep your baby from getting fussy. If your older kids are still in the napping stage, trying to plan your photoshoot after naptime and a snack will give you the best chance of capturing all of your babies at their best.

Do you have any tips or tricks for staging a sibling photo shoot? I’d love to hear them in the comments!

Also check out: 36 Creative Monthly Baby Photo Ideas You Can Do at Home

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