the snuggle is real on a letterboard next to a baby wrapped in a muslin swaddle for instagram
New Baby Photography Fun Stuff

Monthly Quotes for Cute Baby Picture Captions by Age

By Amy Morrison

If you're looking for short, sweet quotes for your Instagram captions or letterboards, here's a collection of sayings to get you through your first year.

Feel free to switch 'em up and pick from the ones that speak to you the most – a 'newborn' quote could easily work for an 11-month-old. Some are funny and some are sentimental but all of them help convey how special your baby boy or baby girl is.

Newborn Baby Captions

  1. This home runs on cuddles and caffeine.
  2. Hello, I'm new here!
  3. I’m kind of a big deal.
  4. Last name '"Ever," first name "Cutest."
  5. Worth the wait.
  6. New to our crew.
  7. I miss womb service.
  8. The smallest things take up the most room in our hearts
  9. First, we had you, and now we have everything.
  10. There's a new boss in the office.
  11. Our sequel is released!
  12. Instructions not included.
  13. Fresh out of the oven and ready for snugglin’.
  14. You’re everything I never knew I wanted.
  15. Your first breath took ours away.
  16. You’re so small, yet you take up my entire heart.
  17. I don’t know yet who you will be, but I know you are my everything.
  18. I love you to the moon and back.
  19. Little one, you are so loved.
  20. You are my greatest adventure.
  21. I’ll love you more than you’ll ever know.
  22. Ten tiny fingers, 10 perfect toes; fill our hearts with love that overflows.
  23. You are my happily ever after.

One Month Old Baby Captions

  1. Don’t scare me I poop easily.
  2. World’s most expensive alarm clock.
  3. Will cuddle for milk!
  4. The snuggle is real.
  5. Mr. One-derful.
  6. Little Miss One-derful.
  7. This month has been a wild-One
  8. Started from the belly now I’m here…
  9. Dream big, our little star.
  10. You're everything I never knew I wanted.
  11. You're so small, yet you take up my entire heart.
  12. Show me that smile baby, and I'll show you the world.
  13. I created my very own sunshine!
  14. Twinkle twinkle, little star. Do you know how loved you are?
  15. Thank you for choosing me.
  16. From head to toe, you’re all the joy I know.
  17. You are my sunshine.
  18. Happiness is homemade.

Two Month Old Baby Captions

  1. I’ll have a bottle of the house white.
  2. Hey girl. Those dark circles really make your eyes pop.
  3. No hair, don't care.
  4. To do list: eat, cry, poop.
  5. Two little, too cute.
  6. I’m Two sweet.
  7. I’m Two-riffic.
  8. Monkey see, monkey two!
  9. Two legit to quit.
  10. Born two be wild.
  11. Love you Two the moon and back
  12. I’m not crying; I’m just ordering dinner.
  13. This tiny human is my whole heart.
  14. A sleeping baby is the new happy hour.

Three Month Old Baby Captions

  1. Our favorite reason to lose sleep.
  2. This is my backup outfit.
  3. Eat, sleep, be cute, repeat.
  4. Get milk or cry trying.
  5. Sleep all day. Party all night.
  6. Three months of googling everything
  7. Let’s have a three-esta, it’s like a siesta… I’m tired.
  8. Wild and three.
  9. Stealing 3rd.
  10. I like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite
  11. In this home, we run on love, coffee, and baby smiles.
  12. Spit happens.
  13. The sleep you ordered is out of stock.
  14. Feeling cute. Might have a meltdown later. IDK

Four Month Old Baby Captions

  1. Spit-up is my new favorite accessory.
  2. Party at my crib 3 am.
  3. Hi there, baby bear.
  4. Mom just changed my outfit. Should I spit up or poop on it first?
  5. Stealing hearts and making farts
  6. How am I already a third of a year?
  7. An un-four-getable 4 months
  8. 4 un-four-getable months!
  9. I’m a four-nado.
  10. Four-ever wild.
  11. Four-ever sweet.
  12. I’m made four-adventure.
  13. Jump four joy!
  14. Love you four-ever.
  15. May the fourth be with you.

Five Month Old Baby Captions

  1. I may be small, but I’m the boss.
  2. #teamnosleep
  3. High five!
  4. Five is a vibe.
  5. Five fabulous months
  6. Her royal five-ness.
  7. His royal five-ness.
  8. This is what an awesome five-month-old looks like
  9. Sweet smile, stinky everything else!
  10. I don't always spit up, but when I do, I aim for the cutest outfit.

Six Month Old Baby Captions

  1. Nap? No thanks.
  2. The tooth fairy has an evil twin called the teething fairy.
  3. I like big bows and I cannot lie.
  4. Happy ½ dozen.
  5. Sweet, sassy and six months old.
  6. Go shawty, it’s your ½ birthday.
  7. All I want for my ½ birthday is real food.
  8. Level 6 unlocked.
  9. Who needs a pacifier when you have a thumb?
  10. I'm not drooling, I'm just watering the garden.

Seven Month Old Baby Captions

  1. Don't look at me! That smell is coming from my dad/mom.
  2. I don’t know what I’m doing. But mom keeps saying she’s proud of me.
  3. Giggles, cries and chunky things.
  4. Seven is so sweet.
  5. In seventh heaven.
  6. Once I was seven months old.
  7. Tiny but mighty.
  8. From small beginnings come great things.
  9. I'm not a morning person. Can we try this again later?
  10. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm the boss around here.

Eight Month Old Baby Captions

  1. Ain’t nobody got time for naps.
  2. Mom keeps buying toys but I’d rather play with the remote.
  3. These teeth were made for chomping.
  4. I woke up this cute.
  5. I’m the reason we’re always late.
  6. Eight is great.
  7. Let her sleep, for when she wakes up, she will move mountains.
  8. The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.
  9. I'm a tiny human with big dreams.
  10. I'm not just cute, I'm also very good at getting what I want.
  11. Level 8 unlocked.
  12. I 8 the sandbox.

Nine Month Old Baby Captions

  1. Creepin, crawlin, cute as can be.
  2. Born to be wild! Until like 7pm or so.
  3. Nine months in, nine months out.
  4. I still live with my parents.
  5. Alexa, change my diaper.
  6. My mom’s not a regular mom; she’s a cool mom.
  7. My parents think they’re in charge. They’re so cute.
  8. Boss baby.
  9. You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.
  10. Together is my favorite place to be.
  11. It feels fine to be 9.
  12. It's 9 time!

Ten Month Old Baby Captions

  1. #doubledigits
  2. Ten months old and good as gold.
  3. You hold my heart, and I'll hold your hand.
  4. Why are you so obsessed with me?
  5. Nobody puts baby in a corner.
  6. I’m made of sugar (and a little bit of spice!).
  7. We will never have this day again, so let’s make it count!
  8. The days are long, but the years are short.
  9. If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.
  10. Why walk when I can be carried?

Eleven Month Old Baby Captions

  1. I was up all night keeping my parents awake and now I’m exhausted.
  2. 11 months old & can’t be controlled.
  3. 11 months old & feeling bold.
  4. The littlest things in life truly are the best things.
  5. Little package, great big deal!
  6. Hello, my name is Trouble.
  7. No matter how big you get, you’ll always be my baby.
  8. You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it.
  9. You are my masterpiece.
  10. Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.

Twelve Month Old Baby Captions

  1. 365 days on earth.
  2. One whole year of awesome.
  3. Twinkle twinkle little star, one-derful is what you are.
  4. This is what an awesome one year old looks like.
  5. 365 days of loving you.
  6. One. Oh what fun.
  7. Best. Year. Ever.
  8. Today I eat cake.
  9. It’s been a wild one.
  10. Now I’m a wild one.
  11. My 1st birthday.
  12. Hip hip hooray I’m one today!
  13. One wonderful year.
  14. I’m one in a melon!

What captions did I miss?

Let me know in the comments or even tag me on Instagram @pregnantchicken so I can add them!

Related: Letter Board Ideas for Pregnancy and Babies

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